An Important Update Regarding Silver Bullion
It is with a heavy heart that we must announce silver will no longer be included with every Gothest starter deck. We had hoped to continue this practice far into the future, but we received the following message from our manufacturer:

Their inability to keep the silver in the game without additional costs left us with a very difficult choice. Do we increase prices even further or do we end the silver launch promotion?
After careful consideration, we decided that it was the promotion that needed to end. It was not an easy choice, but we found it to be in everyone’s best interests. The upside to this is that it has allowed us to lower the prices of our starter decks even further. While we were never charging directly for the silver itself, on top of steep fabrication costs, every step of the process involved paying someone, whether it was to pull it, pack it & ship it to the manufacturer for each order or for the manufacture to, in turn, pull it, pack it & ship it to you, our players, for each order. All of this added to the final costs of the starter decks. Reflecting this, the pricing up until this point may have been seen as cost-prohibitive for many. Hopefully the silver lining to no longer lining our decks with silver will result in even more players. The lower pricing is already in effect as of this post.
Also, just to clarify, all the people who bought our starter decks before now will still receive their silver as promised, but it won’t come in the box directly from our manufacturer, it will come separately from us. We will provide these buyers with tracking information as soon as it’s available.
Lastly, we want you to know that just because silver is no longer included in EVERY starter deck, that doesn’t mean it’s gone from Gothest forever. Silver remains an important part of our game!
We had a substantial amount of these coins minted, not for us to hoard for ourselves, but to be distributed amongst our players to do with as they pleased, whether that’s playing the game, collecting them, using them as a goth-only currency or anything else they could think of. Since selling it directly is off the table as we do not want to become a bullion dealer instead of a game company, we just need to figure out a way to do it that doesn’t bankrupt us or you. Some ideas currently at the table include placing a silver coin at random in every 100 decks, distributing them as prizes at Gothest tournaments (both in-person & in-app) or giving them to those who partake in our referral programme.
Please tell us your thoughts on how you’d like us to distribute our silver in the future in the comments below.
Thank you for playing Gothest.
We look forward to reading your feedback on this matter.
Tags: silver silver bullion game design tribal tribalgoth corp corpgoth corporategoth corporate fae faery faerygoth goth gothic gother gothest alt victorian victoriangoth victoriangoth emo gothabilly graver gothicraver gothraver raver edm techno industrial cybergoth cyber goth tradgoth nugoth nu-goth pastelgoth pastel goth goth girl gothgirl gothaesthetic gothstyle game videogames mobilegames playinggames indiegames gaming gamer