Billy Eyelash
Ace Cards are a big part of our game, but what are they, how do they work & what do they do?
Simply put, they are a TYPE of Goth Card (like a suit from a deck of standard playing cards), but instead of elevating yourself as you would by playing a regular Goth Card, you go the OTHER way by insulting your opponent to lower their goth status. Playing one of these petty, dismissive insults takes away 1 bat from the value of your opponent’s present card.

However, note that they cannot be played alone. They can only be played alongside a Goth Card with an Ace symbol on it.

The above Goth Card has an Ace symbol, so you can combine an Ace Card with it to take 1 bat away from your opponent’s Goth Card.

The above Goth Card has no Ace symbol, so no Ace Card can be combined with it.
Be wary of your own Aces, though. For if you draw a hand full of Aces, you automatically lose the entire BATtle.
One more important thing to remember: just because your opponent tries to drag you with an Ace, doesn’t mean you have to take the high road. No, if they go low, you can go LOWER & throw an Ace of your own if your Goth Card has the symbol on it. Maybe you can at least force a draw to win the round’s points through a coin flip, that way.
We hope this explains things, but feel free to comment any questions below.
Tags: goth gothic gother gothest tradgoth nugoth nu-goth pastelgoth pastel goth gothaesthetic gothstyle game videogames mobilegames playinggames indiegames gaming gamer