Card Gallery
Goth, Gother & Gothest Suits
Note that Goth, Gother & Gothest suit cards generally have 24 power variations. Exceptions to this are the Crypto-Riches & Family Visit cards, which ALWAYS include a silver value. Additionally, the Fangs!, Mastery of the Dark Arts & Techno-Pagan cards carry maximum stats as they are the rarest cards in the game.
Below is an example of the full range of a basic card, from weakest to strongest. Be sure you collect the strongest versions of your favourite cards to help avoid losing them when you’re BATtling for keeps!
Goth Goth + Ace value Goth + 100 Silver value Goth + Ace value + 100 Silver value Goth + 200 Silver value Goth + Ace value + 200 Silver value Goth + 300 Silver value Goth + Ace value + 300 Silver value Gother Gother + Ace value Gother + 100 Silver value Gother + Ace value + 100 Silver value Gother + 200 Silver value Gother + Ace value + 200 Silver value Gother + 300 Silver value Gother + Ace value + 300 Silver value Gothest Gothest + Ace value Gothest + 100 Silver value Gothest + Ace value + 100 Silver value Gothest + 200 Silver value Gothest + Ace value + 200 Silver value Gothest + 300 Silver value Gothest + Ace value + 300 Silver value
Ace Suit
All art by zero.
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