Where Gothic Started

Where Gothic Started

Unveiling the Origins of Goth: A Journey Through Time & Subculture

Gothest is an indie game that needs all the shares we can get - help spread the word about our game to your friends & family!
Where Goths Come From

Where Goths Come From

Unveiling the Origins of Goths: A Journey through Time & Subculture

Gothest is an indie game that needs all the shares we can get - help spread the word about our game to your friends & family!
When Goth Started

When Goth Started

A Timely Voyage through the Shadows: When Did Goth Begin?

Gothest is an indie game that needs all the shares we can get - help spread the word about our game to your friends & family!
Your Goth Questions Answered: Can Goth Be Colourful?

Your Goth Questions Answered: Can Goth Be Colourful?

Goth fashion conjures images of black lace, leather jackets, & a cool, monochromatic vibe. But is that all there is? Are splashes of colour forbidden in the goth realm? Absolutely not! While black remains a beloved anchor, the modern goth palette embraces a surprising vibrancy. So, let’s explore the ways goths incorporate colour, busting some monochrome myths along the way

Gothest is an indie game that needs all the shares we can get - help spread the word about our game to your friends & family!
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